Dear friend, dear member,
On June 9th of last year, we commemorated the 75th anniversary of the tragedy that traumatized our city of Tulle. 99 of our martyrs had been tortured on the balconies of the city.
Next spring, it will be 75 years since 48 survivors of Nazi concentration camps returned from deportation, leaving behind 101 of their comrades who died as a result of the heinous treatment they endured and from illness.
We must not forget the other victims, widows, children, and families, condemned to the absence of their missing loved one.
Our Committee of Martyrs, still present, so long after, maintains the memory of this terrible period of our history and the memory of our departed. For how much longer? Volunteers are becoming scarce, not to mention the advanced age of those who pass away each year.
Our Board of Directors is considering the possibility of modifying our statutes to allow individuals interested in our cause to join us. This is already happening in other memorial associations. We are thinking of historians, professors, … or even legal entities capable of extending beyond our Committee, the duty of remembrance that is ours, (municipalities, ONAC-vg, etc.)
The Board of Directors also hopes to finally see the realization of the Resistance and Martyrs Museum. We have never stopped demanding it. This would also allow individuals with documents from that era to deposit them. We are convinced that there are some in families.
Dear friend, dear member, your Board of Directors sends you its best wishes, wishes you above all good health for the new year, and also hopes for your confidence in our action.
The President
Michel Drelon